Personal Loan

The personal credit from CRYSTAL FINANCE GROUPE for the realization of your projects is a personal consumer loan. It allows you to have a sum ranging from €1,500 to €75,000 (depending on the selected project) to finance your personal projects (Auto, Works, Leisure, etc.). Simple and without obligation of personal contribution, you choose the amount and duration of your loan best suited to your budget. The transfer of the sum to your bank account is made within 48 hours from the final acceptance of your personal credit file and at the earliest from the 8th day following the date of signature of your credit agreement. The personal credit from CRYSTAL FINANCE GROUPE adapts to any type of project. Note that with CRYSTAL FINANCE GROUPE, you can take out your loan 100% online, from the simulation of your personal loan to the electronic signature of it. It’s simple and fast.


We are here for you: simple processes, 100% online, secure! Our customer advisors are available by email or phone 24/7. You can get answers to your questions directly online 24/7. If you have any questions please contact our sales advisors via chat.
